Canada’s Actions toward the Rohingya People
By Matthew Wong, Issue 1 - October 2019

The Rohingya people. Credits to Dibyangshu Sarkar, AFP

Adam Austen, the spokesperson for Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has stated earlier during his speech: “We will continue to support the Rohingya by providing humanitarian assistance, imposing sanctions against Myanmar's generals and demanding that those responsible be held accountable before a competent international body,"
Canada is determined to be helping the Rohingyas financially and with humanitarian aid. In 2017, the Government of Canada committed more than $66.1 million to support the hundreds of thousands of people in Bangladesh and Myanmar affected by the violence in Myanmar.
The Canadian Government has recently adopted the following four part strategy to resolving the Rohingya Crisis.
1. Alleviating the Humanitarian Crisis
2. Encouraging Positive Political Developments in Myanmar
3. Ensuring Accountability for the Crimes committed
4. Enhancing International Cooperation (Such as the United Nations)
For personal comments I believe that Canada is trying its best to help and support Rohingyas who are fleeing but on the other hand they’re trying to stay as “Neutral” as possible because Canada doesn't want to be involved in too many controversies and it’s crucial for them to maintain positive and healthy diplomatic relationships with different countries.